Approach-Behavior Coping

Approach-Cognitive Coping

Confronting, threatening, arguing, information-seeking, social support, explaining, friendly non-verbal/verbal affirmation, verbal acknowledgment, discussing, catastrophizing, speaking to a mentor or supervisor, receiving counseling, soliciting opinions from others.

Covert rehearsal, planning, analyzing, self-talk reanalyzing, justifying, psyching-up, prayer (if related to coping with the stress), self-statements, logic/reason.

Avoidance-Behavior Coping

Avoidance-Cognitive Coping

Walking away, social engineering (avoiding a certain location), exercise, reading, watching television, listening to music, attending church, ingesting an alcoholic beverage, recreational ctivity, engaging in sexual behavior, playing or watching sports, reading, target shooting.

Discounting, psychological distancing, labeling, empathy, thought-stopping, ignoring, self-talk, mental imagery, progressive relaxation, focusing on the next a task, prayer (if focusing on the Lord and not on the stressor).

Examples of Ineffective/Maladaptive Approach and Avoidance Coping

Excessive alcohol, smoking, mind-altering drugs, emotional eating, prolonged anger and hostility, car speeding, thoughts of self- destructive actions, negative self-talk, rumination (repeating self-blame), resignation (helplessness/hopelessness), exhibit bad mood toward others, excessive exercise.